Explore Tutors by Subject

At Oakwood Tutors, we understand that every student's educational journey is unique, encompassing various subjects that each present challenges and opportunities for growth.

We believe that specialised, one-on-one tutoring is the key to unlocking a student's full potential, no matter the subject. Our comprehensive tutoring service is designed to guide students through their academic pursuits with expertise, care, and a deep commitment to their success.

  • Maths Tuition

    Our team of maths tutors includes university lecturers and experienced teachers, offering personalised tutoring from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and everything in between. We focus on building a solid foundation, fostering an understanding and appreciation for maths that transcends the classroom.

  • English Tuition

    Our tutors excel in nurturing a love for reading, critical thinking, and expressive writing. From grasping the basics of grammar to exploring the depths of literature, our tutoring is designed to enhance comprehension, writing skills, and confidence in expression, ensuring students are well-equipped for academic and lifelong success.

  • Science Tuition

    Our expert tutors cover all branches – physics, chemistry, and biology –, with a focus on encouraging curiosity, critical observation, and the scientific method. We aim to spark a passion for discovery that drives academic achievement and a love of learning.

  • Exam Tuition

    Beyond subject-specific tutoring, we offer comprehensive support for students preparing for entrance exams, GCSEs, A-Levels and UCAS applications. Our tutors are adept at navigating the complexities of exam preparation, offering strategies, insights, and the encouragement needed to approach exams with confidence and competence.

Comprehensive Academic Support Across All Disciplines

Our team of educators consists of professionals from a wide array of academic fields. This diversity enables us to match each student with a tutor who is not only an expert in their subject, but also passionate about sharing their knowledge and fostering a positive learning experience.

If the subject you're looking for is not listed on our website, please reach out to us directly. We're here to understand your needs and explore how we can connect you with an ideal tutor tailored to your academic requirements.

The Oakwood Difference: Nurturing, Professional, Goal-Oriented

At Oakwood Tutors, our approach is as individual as the students we mentor. We pride ourselves on our professional, expert-led tutoring, nurturing environment, and our unwavering commitment to each student's goals. From fostering academic excellence to encouraging personal growth, independence, and resilience, we are dedicated to making the educational journey as rewarding as it is successful.

Whether you're looking to strengthen your child’s foundation in a core subject, conquer the challenges of advanced coursework, or prepare for pivotal exams, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Together we can turn educational goals into achievements, fostering a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.

How Our Tutors Make a Difference

Reviews from Google


“My son has been tutored since Year 6 and has benefited enormously from consistent and expert guidance, supporting him to win a competitive academic scholarship and to achieve top grades at GCSE. Beyond pure academic results, he has been guided to develop a real interest in his subjects and to enjoy learning. I am extremely grateful for the commitment shown to my son's personal development.”


“I've known Scott for more than six years, and I believe he is a brilliant English tutor. He tutored my boys for their 10+ and GCSE English exams, where they achieved top grades. Scott comes across as very patient and able to work with any child and their level. He is a dedicated, supportive, active listening tutor. His lessons are always very well planned and easy to understand. I will strongly recommend him.”