Private Tutors In London

At Oakwood Tutors, we offer more than just tuition in London; we provide your child with a pathway to academic excellence and personal growth.

Our professional team, composed of university lecturers, seasoned school teachers, and dedicated professional tutors, is committed to fostering a nurturing and supportive learning environment. We understand that true education extends beyond textbooks, shaping students into confident, independent thinkers ready to conquer their academic goals.

Our Tutoring Services

We offer comprehensive services designed to cater to every educational need. From the intricacies of entrance exams to the challenges of A-Levels and then UCAS applications, our expert tutors are equipped to guide students. Our approach is highly personalised, acknowledging that each student has their own learning style, strengths, and areas for improvement. Whether it's mastering a specific subject, improving exam techniques, or developing effective study habits, our tutors tailor their methods to ensure the most beneficial and enjoyable learning experience.

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Specialised Preparation for London's Top Schools

Oakwood Tutors is particularly renowned for its extensive experience in preparing students for entrance into London’s most prestigious day schools. Our expertise spans the most sought-after institutions, including;

  • King's College Wimbledon

  • Latymer Upper

  • St Paul's School

  • St Paul’s Girls’ School

  • Westminster

  • City of London School

  • Dulwich College

  • Godolphin and Latymer

  • Alleyn's

  • Trinity

  • Whitgift

  • Haberdashers'

  • Highgate

  • Emanuel

  • Francis Holland

  • Putney High

  • Wimbledon High

We also offer tailored preparation for elite boarding schools such as Eton, Wellington, Charterhouse, Harrow, and Wycombe Abbey.

At Oakwood Tutors, we provide comprehensive support for all stages of school admissions. Our tutors are adept at preparing students for the pre-test/common entrance exams as well as the specific 11+ and 13+ examinations required by these top institutions. Our preparation extends beyond the academic tests to include thorough coaching for English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, and CAT4 assessments. Moreover, we equip our students with the skills and confidence needed to excel in the challenging interview processes these schools often require.

Why Choose Our London Tutors?

Finding the right tutor can be the key to unlocking a student's full potential. An Oakwood Tutor offers an expert-led, supportive, and nurturing educational experience. Our tutors equip students with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve their goals whether it be: striving for a place at one of London’s most prestigious schools; passing their GCSEs with flying colours; or equipping them with the knowledge to pass A-Levels and be ready to take on the next chapter in their education.

Our London tutors act as mentors and coaches and build open, honest relationships with students and parents. We believe in tailored educational strategies that address the unique needs of each student, helping them achieve academic success and grow in maturity, independence, and resilience.

  • At the core of our London tuition services are our tutors, each of whom is selected for their deep subject knowledge, teaching experience, and commitment to fostering a positive, engaging learning environment. Our tutors are all united by a passion for teaching and helping students to achieve their academic goals.

  • The journey with Oakwood Tutors begins with a thorough consultation to understand the student's needs, goals, and learning style. This initial step ensures a perfect match between student and tutor, laying the foundation for a productive and enjoyable learning experience. Our process emphasises the importance of building lasting relationships and understanding that success in education is as much about personal growth as it is about academic achievement. We are committed to providing a tailored, holistic approach to education that nurtures and supports students every step of the way.

Hear From Other Parents

We’ve helped hundreds of students achieve their goals in London.

I’ve known Scott for more than six years, and I believe he is a brilliant English tutor. He tutored my boys for their 10+ and GCSE English exams, where they achieved top grades. Scott comes across as very patient and able to work with any child and their level. He is a dedicated, supportive, active listening tutor. His lessons are always very well planned and easy to understand. I will strongly recommend him.
— Mihaela (review from Google)
My son has been tutored since Year 6 and has benefited enormously from consistent and expert guidance, supporting him to win a competitive academic scholarship and to achieve top grades at GCSE. Beyond pure academic results, he has been guided to develop a real interest in his subjects and to enjoy learning. I am extremely grateful for the commitment shown to my son’s personal development.
— Nicola (review from Google)
Brilliant tutors - young, passionate, engaged and truly knowledgeable. My son Louis has developed in leaps and bounds. Cannot recommend highly enough.
— Rachel (review from Google)

Find A Local Tutor

Begin your child’s journey toward academic excellence and personal growth with Oakwood Tutors. We invite you to reach out, learn more about our services, and discover how we can help achieve your educational goals. Contact us today to book a consultation and take the first step toward academic success.